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What or how does truth look like? Most truths as they are said are full of lies Does it ever sound that crazy as it is said? It becomes so sweet to hear the truth that A lie can be so clothed to the top That a whole life can be covered Covered with a...

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Questions now!!!!

we came we lived we experienced we worried and got scared we went through it we didn't get burned but we claimed we were finished we cried into the end we professed and surrendered defeat why did we give up this soon? why did we see failure when it wasn't?...

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A piece to my heavenly daddy

He has rescued me from the snares of the evil one He has given me a new name He has delivered me and made my life calmer In the trembles of the world he cooled me When I felt lost and desperate He comforted me and welcomed me to his arms They called me...

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Flowing to the left Feeling left out Leaving all and capturing a few I want to hold on to it Cling to it like nothing else Trust and believe in it Emotions sometimes creep in But I hang on to it I depend on it I live on it My heart pumps and beats a s...

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Dream Part 4

Wait a minute, did you come back Or am I still dreaming Yes it seemed like one but why did you I remember you calling me up in it Then suddenly everything went blank What do I do about this dream? Or is it the reality setting itself ready How ready can...

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Dream Part 3

I waited for you last night But you never showed up Nowadays you are leaving my mind You are almost erased completely Please explain to me what happened What changed in my mind? Did I start dreaming again about something new? Yes definitely I believe...

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Dream Part 2

This time now you need to clarify You came again while I had thrown the thought of us away You decided to show up again in my peace Did you need a piece of me or were you now at the same position I was last time I had sworn to be mute and let things die...

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Dreams Part 1

Last night you appeared Yes you did appear in my dreams Am I really supposed to analyze that dream or just let it sleep Did you come to communicate? Or did you just appear coz my mind was filled with you Is it really true that I thought about you? Or...

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What is normal, average,extreme in your daily life Is it waking up at the wee hours of the morning Or is it tossing that blanket early in the morning And find the early birds already with their worms Does the night shift favor you and you become A night...

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