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12 Mar


Published by Jackline Kinyua

The morning to you is bright

As you watch the sun rise

Beautiful and radiant you ready for the day

Having sounded asleep during the night

Warmly tucked in your blankets and waterbed

Having had a well cooked and presentable meal

Three course meal a you call it and smile having it

You lock your door and as usual go lay down

Its normal to you and the routine doesn't change


In the thickets far from the norm

They cant even remember what that meant

Dawn and dusk to them almost appearing to be alike

Completely forgetting the warmth of a real bed

Not even having a comfortable time to feed

Day and night out in those fierce fields

Surrounded by intense dangers and exposed to death

Witnessing days ending and thankful that they can breath

Sacrifices made and families left behind

Families having to wait for the worst news


The sight of a fellow colleague frifhtenes them

Children growing up not next to their role models

Spouses experirencing singleness in marriage

BUt all we do is judge

Judge like we always do to forces we dont know

Extremes we will never know

These are the unsung heroes of our land

Great percentage loathes them

For it never occurs to us that their lives,

Have paid a price for our peace and smiles

Our freedom has been guaranteed by their fired bullets.







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